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Financial Management Of The Medical Practice Reiboldt Cpa, M

Financial Management Of The Medical Practice Reiboldt Cpa, M

R$ 398,36
(Produto Novo)
São Paulo - SP

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An invaluable tool designed for successful financial management and planning in the medical practice, Financial Management of the Medical Practice, third edition, simplifies the financial planning process while establishing a foundation for making informed decisions in developing and maintaining financial systems to ensure a profitable practice. Financial Management of the Medical Practice, applies best practices, identifies current trends, and examines savvy processes that will enable you to gain greater control of your practice's financial performance even in the midst of health care reform and economic downturn. Organized in two sections, the first part provides both practical and operational financial management guidelines including controlling expenses, establishing internal controls and safeguards to avoid fraud, developing and maintaining a budget, as well as step-by-step process to ensure revenue maximization. Section two focuses on strategic aspects of financial management, such as alignment strategies, merging practices, capitalization, valuations, compensation and ancillary services. Additionally, this book is a valuable educational resource as you determine the most appropriate models and methods to be financially profitable.

Garantia de fábrica: 30 dias


Formato: Papel

Autor: Max Reiboldt CPA

Capa do livro: Mole

Editora do livro: Outros

Título do livro: Financial Management of the Medical Practice Reiboldt CPA, Max

ISBN: 1603592962

Condição do item: Novo

Idioma: Inglês

Tipo de narração: Manual


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