Créditos Miss Felt

Man Walks Into A Room

Man Walks Into A Room

R$ 50,87
(Produto Usado)
São Paulo - SP

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Livro em brochura, capa com manchinhas em inglês, 248 páginas levemente amareladas devido o tempo de armazenamento mas sem prejuízo da leitura ou do conteúdo, se desejar solicite imagens para melhor análise - Código 538994 LF Localização E016P05 título completo The Cat Who Smelled a rat SINOPSE Award-winning American novelist Nicole Krauss first captivated readers with her groundbreaking debut novel Man Walks into a Room, a novel in which Krauss explores what it is to lose one's identity and what it is to discover what makes us human.   Samson Greene has been missing for eight days when he is discovered wandering through the Nevada desert, 'ragged as a crow' and with no idea who he is. He is rushed to hospital where doctors save his life, but all his memories after the age of twelve have been permanently lost. Now, as he looks around the beautiful apartment he apparently shares with his wife and which is filed with all the souvenirs of a life well lived, Samson feels nothing more than a vague admiration.   In her first novel Nicole Krauss tells the story of a man suddenly liberated from the life he has made, disconnected from the people who have defined him. Withdrawing from a wife he has no memory of loving, Samson plunges weightless into the future. But when he agrees to participate in a revolutionary experiment, what he experiences a revelation of what it means to be human.   'Krauss celebrates the anything-but-simple art of human connection' San Francisco Chronicle   'You'll savour the last page - and be hungry for future work from this talented author' The Washington Post Book World   Nicole Krauss is an American bestselling author who has received international critical acclaim for her first three novels: Great House (shortlisted for the Orange Prize for Fiction 2011), The History of Love (Shortlisted for the Orange Prize for Fiction 2006 and winner of the 2006 Prix du Meilleur Livre Étranger) and Man Walks into a Room all of which are available in Penguin paperback.


Autor: Nicole Krauss

Capa do livro: Mole

Gênero do livro: Literatura estrangeira

Editora do livro: PENGUIN

Título do livro: Man Walks into a Room

Marca: Penguin

ISBN: 9780141021157

Altura: 20 cm

Condição do item: Usado

Idioma: Inglês

Quantidade de páginas: 248

Ano de publicação: 2007

SKU: 538994

Largura: 12 cm

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